Tooth Extractions

Tooth extractions are necessary for certain situations when a tooth cannot be saved through other means of treatment, such as root canal therapy or dental crowns. Here are some common reasons why tooth extractions may be necessary:

  1. Severe decay or damage: If a tooth is severely decayed or damaged, it may not be possible to save it with a filling, crown, or other dental restoration. In such cases, extraction may be necessary to prevent the spread of infection or further damage to surrounding teeth.
  2. Overcrowding: When there isn’t enough space in the jaw for all of a person’s teeth, orthodontists may recommend extraction of one or more teeth to make room for proper alignment of remaining teeth.
  3. Impacted teeth: Teeth that are blocked from emerging properly (usually wisdom teeth) may need to be extracted to avoid pain, infection, or damage to adjacent teeth.
  4. Gum disease: Advanced gum disease can cause teeth to become loose and eventually fall out. In some cases, a dentist may recommend extraction of severely affected teeth to help prevent the spread of the disease.
  5. Preparation for dentures or implants: In some cases, teeth may need to be extracted to prepare for the placement of dentures or dental implants.
It’s important to note that tooth extraction is typically a last resort and many efforts will be made to save a tooth before resorting to extraction. Dentists and oral surgeons use a range of techniques and treatments to preserve natural teeth, but extraction may be necessary in certain cases to protect overall dental health.